Compliance is a preventive measure and a defense instrument against criminal proceedings. Avoid or mitigate the condemnation of the company in the case of crimes committed by its administrative body, directors or workers.
The implementation of a compliance model is very important to organize the structure of society not only for the purpose of crime prevention, but also from an organizational point of view.
The introduction of a regime of criminal responsibility of the legal person through the reform of the Penal Code operated by Organic Law 5/2010, in force since last December 23, 2010, has meant a fundamental paradigm shift in the field of Law criminal company.
Through the aforementioned reform, after the commission of a criminal act by the administrators, legal representatives, managers or workers of a company, both the natural person who committed the crime, as well as the legal person itself, may be declared criminally responsible. who may be imposed penalties that can range from the temporary suspension of activities, to the closure or dissolution of the company, through their intervention.
We offer a Corporate Defense service consisting of adapting the business management model to the new requirements of the Criminal Code, carrying out an analysis of the company's criminal risks, as well as the development of CRIME PREVENTION PROTOCOLS that incorporate the necessary compliance measures to minimize these criminal risks.
in decision making.
c / General Riera 8, 3rd floor
Palma de Mallorca, CP 07003
c / General Riera 8, 3rd floor
Palma de Mallorca, CP 07003